

Western Dales Bus needs you....

Who are we?

Western Dales Bus is a community charity based in Sedbergh and Dent. We organise a community minibus for the Sedbergh and Kirkby Stephen area where public transport is limited, and run it on routes or at times not served by commercial bus firms. With Cumbria County Council support, we have built up a team of skilled volunteers from across the area to drive and organise the bus. We run scheduled services on Saturdays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays (summer only), Thursdays and Fridays, see the timetables page for more details.

Please see our about us page.

How can you help?

You could drive one of our minibuses. No PSV licence is needed, as a D1 category on your driving licence is sufficient.

You could help behind the scenes in one or more of these ways:

  • Distributing leaflets and posters
  • Record keeping using Word and Excel
  • Writing or designing publicity material
  • Administration and office organisation
  • Taking bookings
  • Fundraising
  • Helping with accounts and grant claims

What support can you expect?

All our new drivers are given free Minibus Driver Awareness (MiDAS) training before they start, followed by induction training by one of our existing drivers. All drivers have a backup to call on for support every time they drive the bus.

Behind the scenes, volunteers usually work together to share tasks, and newcomers are supported by existing volunteers until they feel comfortable to work more independently.

What commitment do you have to make?

All our volunteers tell us how much time and effort they are prepared to offer, and we construct a system to accommodate them. For drivers, it is easier for them to remain familiar with the role if they can drive a half-day each month. For those thinking of a supporting role, we welcome any contribution you are able to offer.

How do you find out more?

Please contact us via the contact us page

Tim Farron local MP encourages more volunteer drivers to come forward Click here to see why



We would always welcome new drivers for running our services, private hire or just bus moving.


We always welcome new volunteers to help run our business from drivers to admin. We currently have a need for new directors to drive our business forward, please click here for more details.

If you can help in any way please get in touch via our Contact Us page.

Bus washer


Can you help us?

It doesn’t take long for any vehicle that’s used on roads round here to get dirty, and our buses are no exception. We’re really keen to keep them as clean as possible, but we could do with some help to do so. If you have a D1 driving licence, and would be interested in earning some money by spending two hours each week cleaning our buses with a power washer, we’d like to hear from you.

We are still looking for someone with a D1 driving licence to wash our two minibuses.

If you think you can help please click here to Contact Us


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Western Dales Community Bus Service Ltd.
A Charity and Company registered in England and Wales
Charity Registration No 1150051 Company Registration No. 8121670 VAT Reg No: 170 7245 17

Registered Office: The Cottage, Flintergill, Dent, Sedbergh, LA10 5QR
Information and queries: Phone WDB Operations on 07541 644524

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